This website was made in Honor of the Dundas Castle located in Roscoe NY. I Rebecca Parsons have been fascinated with this Castle and its history for a long time, during my research on the castle I realized that information pertaining to the Castle and its original owners is hard to come by which to me is sad, because such a beautiful place should be known about, so I decided to make a website in honor of the Castle so that I can share all of the information that I have found on it with other people who are interested in it. Please be sure to sign my guestbook and share stories or information that you have on the castle.
This website is new so I am still working on adding all of the information that I have and I'm still in the process of trying to uncover the Castle and its history along with the history of the Original Owners. Thanks for visiting, and if you decide to go to the castle ask for permission from the caretaker to go up to it and please respect it and its history and don't vandalize it.
If anyone would like to contact me you can email me at