The pic below I took in one of the many bathrooms, now if you have been to the castle then you know that there is no glass in any of the windows,as vandalizers smashed it all out., so there is no way that this is a reflection, also what is even stranger are that there are no trees outside the windows, as the open courtyard is outside the castle. So look at the window and see if you see the faces that I see. You probably will have to right click on the photo and save it to your computer and then open it so that you can see the photo in its "acutual size".

As I was walking down this hall I kept seeing what looked like the shadow of a man at the top of the staircase so I took a pic of it and this is how it turned out- let me know if you see it!

This next picture at first I didnt see anything but a friend pointed out that it looks like the image of a women with her hands in the praying position.